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CD1: "Eyes Wide Open" (1966–1971)
The Grey Hawk
(Trad. arr. Cousins/Hooper)
Old School Songs
Once I had a grey hawk and a pretty grey hawk
A sweet pretty bird of my own
But she took a flight she flew away quite
And nobody knows where she's gone me brave boys
And nobody knows where she's gone.
It's o'er the wild forest I rambled away
And through the green fields I did stray
I holla'd - I whooped - I played on me flute
Not my sweet pretty bird could I find me brave boys
Not my sweet pretty bird could I find.
Then o'er the green fields I rambled away
And through the green paths I did stray
And there I did find my pretty fair bird
She was close by the side of a man me brave boys
She was close by the side of a man.
Now he that has got her is welcome to keep her
And do the best with her he can
But while that he's got her and I have her not
I will hawk with her once now and then me brave boys
I will hawk with her once now and then.
Oh happy is he that has got a good wife
Much better than he that's got none
But cursed is he that courteth another's
When he's got a good wife of his own me brave boys
When he's got a good wife of his own.

The Cruel Wars (Higher Germanie)
(Trad. arr. Cousins)
Old School Songs
Oh Polly, dear oh Polly
The rout is now begun
And I must ride away
At the beating of the drum
Come dress yourself
All in your best
Come go along with me
I'll take you
To the cruel wars
In Higher Germanie
Oh Harry, dear oh Harry
Mind what I do say
My feet they are so tired
I cannot go away
Besides, my dearest Harry
Though I'm in love with thee
I am not fit for cruel wars
In Higher Germanie
I'll buy for you a horse, my love
And on it you shall ride
And all of my contentment
Shall be riding by your side
We'll stop at every alehouse
And drink when we are dry
So quickly on the road, my love
We'll marry by and by
Oh cursed be those cruel wars
That ever they should rise
And out of Merry England
Take many a lad likewise
They took my dearest Harry
Also his brothers three
And sent them to the cruel wars
In Higher Germanie

You Don't Think About Me
(Trad. arr. Cousins/Hooper)
Old School Songs
You don't think about me when I'm gone, no
You don't think about me when I'm gone
When I come rolling home with them ten dollar bills
It's "Honey, where you been so long"
Well I've been all around this cold, cold world
Been down in Memphis Tennessee
Well it's any old place that I hang my hat
Is home sweet home to me
Oh where did you get those clothes little girl
Those shoes that you wear so fine
Got my hat and my gloves from a railroad man
My shoes from a driver down that mine
Well it's "honey" and it's "sugar" when I'm here, when I'm here
It's "nasty bad man" when I'm gone
When I come rolling home with them ten dollar bills
It's "Honey, where've you been so long"

Not All The Flowers Grow
Old School Songs
If the school bell had rung
Would it have rung a death knell?
Now the dark day has gone
And there isn't any bell
In the flower of their youth
How were they to know?
And now there's so few left
And not all the flowers grow
Just think how you would feel
Had one been a child of yours
And you look out every day
And still see the coal seam sores
To remind you of that day
Just you look out in the rain
And although some children play
It will never be the same

You Keep Going Your Way
Old School Songs
I see you in the mist across the river of the night
You're a shadow of the past that hurts me so
The icy stream of nothing runs before my sightless eyes
But I'm blinded by a driving sheet of snow
In the gutter I can see my lifeblood flowing
Where you cut me down with but a single blow.
So you keep going your way
And I'll keep going mine
And everything will turn out just fine
Yes, everything will turn out just fine.
A spider's web of intrigue, spun in strands of gleaming black
Oh the thousand lies to light the way to you
A bent and twisted scarecrow tells the future of the past
In a field high on a hill without a view
In a moment you had vanished from my dreaming
And I was left here with the chosen few.
So you keep going your way
And I'll keep going mine
And everything will turn out just fine
Yes, everything will turn out just fine.
The sand runs through my fingers as the hours fade away
And the stars they beckon from on high
A team of six black horses rising from the ocean deep
Will carry up my body when I die
The rustle of the pebbles on the shoreline
Reminds me that my time's in short supply.
So you keep going your way
And I'll keep going mine
And everything will turn out just fine
Yes, everything will turn out just fine.

Sail Away To The Sea
Old School Songs
The hands on the clock keep turning round
They point to the time of the day
The time means nothing with you by my side
Though some time I'll be on my way.
Down the road to where I must go
There's nothing between you and me
I'll take a boat down the river my love
And sail away to the sea
I'll sail away to the sea.
What will you take to remember me by
I've no money to buy you a smile
I can't say the words to bid you farewell
So I'll carry them with me a while.
You'll wave goodbye 'till I pass out of sight
As you're waving goodbye for good
I can't even take you part of the way
I only wish that I could.

Nothing Else Will Do
Old School Songs
My gate is swinging open
My fence is broken down
My window's staring blindly
Greets the callers with a frown
And I need a place to hide away
When I am feeling blue.
Nothing else will do, babe
Nothing else will do.
I've got no friends to turn to
When I am feeling low
I'm lonely sad and empty
Most everywhere I go
I'd like to leave the world behind
And try and start anew.
Nothing else will do, babe
Nothing else will do.
All I ever wanted
Was a place to call my own
A place that's quiet and peaceful
Where I can feel so all alone
I've been told this place is heaven
I wonder if it's true.
Nothing else will do, babe
Nothing else will do.
But it seems the path to heaven
Is always round the bend
And always in the distance
There's a road that has no end
But I will hope to find it
Before my life is through.
Nothing else will do, babe
Nothing else will do.

Oh How She Changed
Old School Songs
She leaned forward in the lamplight
In her eyes an amber glow
She was promising the earth
And yet somehow saying no
We talked of pleasant summer days
Kew Gardens, Hampton Court
The jewellers where we bought
The ring that held us close together.
Oh how she changed with every passing day.
In the swirling misty morning
As the day began to break
In the heavy dew her footsteps
I am floundering in her wake.
Oh how she changed with every passing day.
The shutters of indifference
Have close to bar the view
A person I once knew.
Oh how she changed with every passing day.

Or Am I Dreaming
Old School Songs
The fragile gentle butterfly with multi-coloured wings
Settles on the toadstools in the midst of fairy rings
Midsummer sounds of tinkle bells as sweet Titania sings.
Or am I dreaming
Or am I dreaming ?
And I will have a castle with a drawbridge and a moat
And light my open fires with a brand new five pound note
And go off on a winter cruise in a bright red sailing boat.
Pick the golden casket
And you'll get what you deserve
Yards of pure white chiffon
Falling in a graceful curve
Crystal clear cut chandeliers
Orchids in a bowl
Mulled wine by the fire
And the finest ermine stole.
The water melon moon makes gentle progress in the sky
Upside down it's floating as the satellites go by
And you can hold a conversation if you're not too high.
The magic mountain music man
Is really rather shy
Or am I dreaming ?

All The Little Ladies
Old School Songs
looking through their windows
Peering through lace curtains
All the little ladies
With grey haired hat-pinned heads
Watching people they know who don't understand
That they're living their lonely lives second hand
Even second hand's better than none.
Spreading all the gossip
Baking cakes for tea time
All the little ladies
With lonely single beds
Watching children they know as they jump and play
Trying giving them sweets but they run away
Even naughty boy's better than none.
Sunday lunch is coming
In a van of kindness
All the little ladies
With no friends but the dead
Watching doctor they know as he takes their pulse
Trying giving a smile for there's nothing else
Even this sad life's better than none.

Ah Me Ah My
Old School Songs
I'd like to live on a farm again like I did for part of the war
I've got a few happy memories though we were rather poor
But I can't go back, these days have gone
I'm only reminiscing
Ah me, things aren't what they used to be
Ah my, in days gone by.
Just take a look at these photographs I took of baby and you
They're rather brown but you still can see the love come shining through
But a photograph's no substitute
I'd rather have the real thing
Ah me, things aren't what they used to be
Ah my, in days gone by.
I've got a pile of old clothes upstairs that have come in style again
I know they suited me but nowadays it doesn't seem the same
'Cause I can't go back those days have gone
I'm only reminiscing
Ah me, things aren't what they used to be
Ah my, in days gone by.

The Man Who Called Himself Jesus
Old School Songs
He came into the shop and looked me straight between the eyes
And said "You know I'm Jesus", and I must have looked surprised
Because he said "Please don't be hasty, no-one understands
But I've got a way to prove it" and he lifted up his hands.
He was the man who called himself Jesus.
For a minute I was speechless, then I looked into his face
With sufficient lines of sadness for the total human race
And I said "You must be joking" but he slowly shook his head
And said "That's what they all say, I might as well be dead".
He asked me if I knew a place where he could start to preach
I said "Well try a church or maybe Brighton beach"
And I was trying to be serious but he didn't seem impressed
He said "You think I'm crazy, you're just like all the rest".
I was really quite embarrassed, he was looking so sincere
So I said "I close the shop soon, won't you come and have a beer"
Then he asked me if I meant it and he smiled a funny smile
And he said he'd rather like that and he hung arounds a while.
On the way he stopped to pat little children's heads
And he taught them one line prayers to say as they went off to their beds
But mostly they were frightened and they looked at him wide eyed
And when he said his name was Jesus, one girl even cried.
In the pub I asked him if he'd tried to see the Pope
And he said although he'd thought about it there was really not a hope
Then he said he thought he'd better go, he had some work to do
He said he'd come and see me in about a week or two.
Well after he had gone I thought of what he'd said
And all his funny actions they kept running through my head
And when I felt my mind was drowning in a sea of mud
It seemed his pint of beer had turned into a pint of blood.

The Battle
Old School Songs
In the early dawn the Bishops' men
Shivered in the damp
But the shiver came not from the cold
And spread throughout the camp
The trembling horses sensed the fear
Of silent thoughtful men
Who prayed that wives and families
Might see them once again.
The bishops sent a dawn patrol
To investigate the weight
Of forces at the King's command
Ensconced behind the gate
The ground mist hid the patrol's approach
As they drew close enough to show
The sentries on the battlements
And an archer drew his bow.
From the topmost tower a sentry fell
As an arrow pierced his skull
And his headlong flight into the moat
Seemed that of a gull
The patrol reported little
There was nothing much to see
But the strong and silent castle
A symbol of the free.
The King's men took communion
As the first rays of the sun
Lit up the castle's gloomy walls
The fatal day begun
From the castle green the rooks took flight
To the high trees in the east
To their carrion minds the battlefield
Set a table for a feast.
A tide of black, the Bishops' men,
Equality their right
Swarmed like ants across the hill
Their aim at last in sight
The King's men dressed in purest white
Were driven back by force
And the fighting grew more violent
As the battle took its course.
The Bishops gave the order
No mercy to be shown
The sacrifice will reap rewards
When the King is overthrown
The sight of children lying dead
Made hardened soldiers weep
The outer walls began to fall
They moved towards the keep.
The rooks surveyed the battlefield
Their hungry beady eyes
Revelled in the sight of death
Showing no surprise
The pressure mounted steadily
As the Bishops neared the gate
And the desperate King called to his knights
"It's your lives or the State"
When the anxious King began to fail
As many thought he might
The Queen ran screaming round the walls
And urged the men to fight
The Bishops' men were tiring
As the afternoon drew late
And the King's men lowered the drawbridge
And poured out through the gate.
They fought their way across the bridge
The men like falling leaves
Or ears of corn that fall in swathes
The vicious sickle cleaves
The tide receded up the hill
The waste of reclaimed land
Once decaying swamp became
A shore of pure white sand.
A blinded priest was seen to bless
Both dying and the dead
As he stumbled around the battlefield
His cassock running red
If uniform were black or white
His eyes could never see
And death made no distinction
Whatever man he be.
As darkness fell both camps withdrew
Their soldiers slain like cattle
Leaving the rooks to feast alone
The victors of the battle
At evensong both camps reviewed
Their sad depleted ranks
As survivors of the battle
Gave God their grateful thanks.

It's Just Love
Hooray/Lorna Music
I can see you through my window
With the world you just go passing by
I can hear you in the garden
Waiting for my flowers all to die
Nothing in here is real
Nothing in here is real
No matter how hard I try
I can't get you off of my mind.
It's just love
Please don't try to understand it
You can't put your arms around it
You might never be the same
It's just love
Please don't try to comprehend it
If you've money you'd just spend it
You might never be the same.
If you call me I will answer
I will always be your helping hand
Though I'm not a gay romancer
I know you will always understand
Nothing in here is real
Nothing in here is real
No matter how hard I try
I can't get you off of my mind.
Here's your face right in the mirror
I can hear you calling out my name
Feel your hand upon my shoulder
Wonder if I'll ever be the same
Nothing in here is real
Nothing in here is real
No matter how hard I try
I can't get you off of my mind.
It's just love
Please don't try to understand it
Don't try to comprehend it
You might never understand
It's just love
It's just love
It's just love.

Another Day
Old School Songs
An orange balloon on the distant horizon
The air had a nip for the sun was still rising
A delicate fusion of ambery tone
Brought warmth to the shore where I walked all alone
Another day begins.
A crab scuttled awkwardly, shyly away
Perhaps the strangest of all nature's rebels
Night shed its cloak with the sounds of the day
The gentle lap of the tide on the pebbles
Another day begins, another day.
The gulls on the breeze, soaring over my head
Like marionettes with invisible thread
The day unfurled like the flags on a mast
Spelling a message of sunshine at last
Another day begins, another day.
I walked along for miles
The clear blue sky was free
And the smiles shone like pearls on the sea
Another day begins, another day.
Far too soon it was time to be leaving
A gull flew ahead of me bobbing and weaving
It caught my eye with a quizzical stare
Was it my love, was it she who was there?
Another day begins.
I climbed the steep path to the high cliff top's heather
The sea was as clear as a fresh mountain stream
The gull as it circled away dropped a feather
A souvenir of a beautiful day dream
Another day begins, another day.

Old School Songs
Blue skies above me
I've someone to love me
To take good care of me
Through all that time can send
We'll make it to the end
Just you and me my friend
Oh weeping willow
Please share my pillow
So that the clouds will billow
And I don't have to bend
We'll make it to the end
Just you and me my friend
The gypsy woman
Who sold me her heather
She told me its good luck
Would last me
We've got our lives to spend
We'll make it to the end
Just you and me my friend
Through all that time can send
We'll make it to the end
Just you and me my friend

Where Am I/I'll Show You Where To Sleep
Old School Songs
Where Am I ?
I sit here in peaceful meditation by a river
Watch my thoughts go floating down the stream of consciousness
Never ever changing the direction of my dreaming
To realise myself
Nothing more or nothing less
And as the hours slip away
On this pleasant April day
I sit and watch the flowers grow
Where am I
Where am I ?
I'll Show You Where To Sleep
Just paint a picture of the world
In gentle pastel shades
Indistinct and somehow blurred
Like childhood escapades
The painting box is rather dear
But the paints themselves are cheap
Leave your pack at the side of the road
I'll show you where to sleep.
Dead brown weeds in a ditch at the side
Of a field of burning corn
The road opens out before you
Like the womb where you were born
There's no need to pretend again
To try and earn your keep
Leave your pack at the side of the road
I'll show you where to sleep.
And crowds will gather in the sun
As stone madonnas weep
And the shepherd is a good man
As he tends his flock of sheep.
In case you find your tortoise shell
Is getting rather tight
You can wrap yourself in your magic cloak
And disappear from sight
And I will stand guard over you
As through the door you creep
Leave your pack at the side of the road
I'll show you where to sleep.

Canon Dale
Fazz Music
Dyfan's tale
Of the holy Canon Dale
Setting sail
Homeward for his lonely cell
In your holy ground I found.
Peace to dwell
The beginning of a world
Love entwined
Throughout all the world combined
In your holy ground I found.
Days and day
He would go his chosen way
Keeping trace
Of the things you do and say
In your holy ground I found.

RW Music

Old School Songs
July the fourth in the market town
Farmers have come for miles around
Bringing their wives and children.
A farmer stands with his youngest son
Watching their sheep driven from the pen
The slaughterhouse is waiting.
Look they're turning back
They're frightened
Dogs are snapping at their heels
Jumping on each other's backs
Hear their squeals.
The young boy stands looking quite dismayed
How can they know they're just animals
Come pull yourself together.
The farmer tells him to look inside
Row after row of raw carcasses
Their blood runs in the gutters.
Listen to their silly bleating
Farmer beats them with his stick
Milling by the open door
Don't be sick.
The young boy
Takes a look around
See people watching blankly
And he pities them
For they too
Look like sheep
And he tells himself
When he grows up
When he becomes a farmer
He will just plant seeds of love
He will just plant seeds of love
He will just plant seeds of love
And he will harvest peace.

CD2: "Changing Places" (1972–1975)
Old School Songs
You talked of me with acid tongue
And pointed trembling spiteful hands
Your presence almost overwhelmed
When Mother Nature tends her young
She comforts each and every one
The flower sheds its seeds and flourishes.
But now I walk a mile high
My shoulders in the clouds
I have seen the sun break through
I'll speak my thoughts aloud
For now I see tomorrow
Just as clearly as I see today
While yesterday
Which meant so much
Has grown so far away.

New World
Old School Songs
There's blood in the dust
Where the city's heart beats
The children play games
That they take from the streets
How can you teach when you've so much to learn
May you turn
In your grave
New world.
There is hate in your eyes
I have seen it before
Planning destruction
Behind the locked door
Were you the coward who fired the last shot
May you rot
In your grave
New world.
There is death in the air
With the lights growing dim
As those who survive
Sing a desperate hymn
Pray that God grants you one final request
May you rest
In your grave
New world.

Here It Comes
Old School Songs
I will give you silver
I will give you gold
I will give you treasures
To keep when you are old.
Here it comes
Here it comes
Here it comes
Here it comes.
The moon will be your chariot
The heavens open wide
I will be your comfort
As through the stars you glide.
Here it comes (love, love, love)
Here it comes (love, love, love)
Here it comes (love, love, love)
Here it comes (love, love, love)
Here it comes (love, love, love)
Here it comes (love, love, love)
Here it comes (love, love, love)
Here it comes.
Come and lay beside me
We'll light a single flame
Safe and warm within you
My thigh (?) will bear your name.
Here it comes (love, love, love)
Here it comes (love, love, love)
Here it comes (love, love, love)
Here it comes (love, love, love)
Here it comes (love, love, love)
Here it comes (love, love, love)
Here it comes (love, love, love)
Here it comes.

See How They Run
Old School Songs
See my friends searching for someone
They've no time to spare
Got my feet up having fun
I don't have to care.
Though I've known for quite a while
We have only just begun
I can watch my friends and smile
See how they run.
I keep on dreaming day to day
Guess I always will
See my mind resting far away
Never standing still.
People say that I'm a fool
Say that I'm the lonely one
I can look them in the eye
See how they run.
Though I've known for quite a while
We have only just begun
I can watch my friends and smile
See how they run.

Going Home
Old School Songs
You gave me so much pleasure
But caused me so much pain
I really don't believe
That I could go through this again.
I'm going home
I'm going home
I'm going home
I'm going home.
A friend and I were talking
We've been much the same
Both of us decided
To forget you ever came.
I'm going to frame you as a memory
And hang you on the wall
To keep me straight and narrow
Should I ever start to fall.

The Actor
Old School Songs
The storm casts off the shadows as it slips behind the clouds
The peacock looks dejected though his tail is standing proud
The actor tries to prove that he's the face in every crowd.
Oh there stands your hero losing his sight
Confused by his symptoms, and trembling with fright
Oh give him the key, won't you show him the light.
The judge lays down his papers with the hearing at an end
The parish priest reminds you that he's everybody's friend
And the actor wastes his money trying to keep up with the trend.
The fisherman weighs anchor with his catch of drowning souls
The foxes fear the hunters as they hide deep in their holes
While the actor lies down naked on his bed of glowing coals.

Part Of The Union
Fazz Music
Now I'm a union man
Afraid's not what I am
I say what I think
That the company stinks
Yes I'm a union man.
When we meet in the local hall
I'll be voting with them all
With a hell of a shout
It's out brothers out
And the rise of the factory's fall.
Oh you don't get me I'm part of the union
You don't get me I'm part of the union
You don't get me I'm part of the union
Till the day I die, till the day I die.
As a union man I'm wise
To the lies of the company spies
And I don't get fooled
By factory rules
'Cause I always read between the lines.
And I always get my way
When I strike for higher pay
And I show my card
To the Scotland Yard
This what I say.
Oh you don't get me I'm part of the union
You don't get me I'm part of the union
You don't get me I'm part of the union
Till the day I die, till the day I die.
And in a shop floor brawl
If there's any justice at all
A seven round bout and production's out
And everyone is on the dole.
So though I'm a working man
I can ruin the government's plan
Though I'm not too hard
The sight of my card
Makes me some kind of superman.
Oh you don't get me I'm part of the union
You don't get me I'm part of the union
You don't get me I'm part of the union
Till the day I die, till the day I die.

The Winter And The Summer
Looks around with angel face
She does everything with amazing grace
She wears smart clothes but no-one knows
She's got nobody waiting at home.
She is not the only song I sing
Though I sing them all for her
There is something in her melody
That I've never heard before.
The winter and the summer
Need never come again
The winter and the summer
Need never come again
In my life there is no season
No reason.
She is not the only book I read
See her pages are not torn
And her story is of loneliness
Though her memory still war.
The winter and the summer
Need never come again
The winter and the summer
Need never come again
In my life there is no season
No reason.
Every now and then I'm sad
Thinking what we could have had
If we'd met some years before
Would we now be wanting more.
She is not the only sound I hear
Though to hear her lights my day
There's no picture in the gallery
That has half as much to say.
The winter and the summer
Need never come again
The winter and the summer
Need never come again
In my life there is no season
No reason.

Whichever Way The Wind Blows
Not available
I didn't realise how much it would grieve you
How I hurt you when I said I was going to leave you
Understand I didn't know, but it only goes to show
How blind I must have been not to believe you
My mind is in a whirl and its spinning madly
In my dreams you looked at me so very sadly
I tried to show surprise when a tear fell from your eyes
You know I didn't mean to hurt you so badly
I can't believe that I've been chasing rainbows
But I'll think of you and follow you whichever way the wind blows
In the silent hours of night I'll be thinking about you
And I wonder how it was I came to doubt you
Let fortune cast its spell remind me that I fell
Remind me that I just can't live without you
I can't believe that I've been chasing rainbows
But I'll think of you and follow you whichever way the wind blows

Betrayed/Shine On Silver Sun/Words Of Wisdom
Old School Songs
I have neither seen the sun at midnight
Nor walked upon the water like a king
Ooh but I have been betrayed here in this lifetime
By those whom I considered to be friends.
The wise man came with words of expectation
And freed me with his sunkissed silver key
The truth is plain to see
It lives on within you and within me.
Shine On Silver Sun
Once I sat upon a hill
To watch the world go by
My friend the young magician
Had forbidden me to cry
But I was the comedian
With the laughs in short supply.
Shine on silver sun
Shine on everyone
Shine on silver sun
Shine on, shine on.
The sunlight filtered softly
Through the pale and watery sky
To catch the mirrored salmon
As it rose to take the fly
The flowers on the riverbank
Were left alone to die.
The church bells sounded midnight
As I rose to say goodbye
And a solitary tear
Fell from the corner of my eye
But the cockerel on the weather vane
Could neither crow nor fly.
Words Of Wisdom
The wise man came in hermit guise
All the way from Mexico
We sat in circles on the ground
And listened to his words of wisdom
He sang of unclimbed mountain ranges
And plains that stretched beyond the point of no return.
We talked in terms of solitude
And parted with respect
Realising that the world
Held a place for us both

Out In The Cold/Round And Round
Old School Songs
Out In The Cold
I walked in the city at midday
It was empty and bare
I looked in the mirror at midnight
There was nobody there
You have become the very breath that I breathe
You are all I desire, my will to succeed
But now I know how it feels to be old
Out in the cold.
I walked in the city at midday
It was screaming with pain
I looked in the mirror at midnight
It was starting to rain
I sucked on your breasts, your legs opened wide
I could scarcely believe all the pleasures inside
But now I know how it feels to be old
Out in the cold.
Whoever believed in astrological signs
Under my eyes your name burns in the lines
And now I know how it feels to be old
Out in the cold.
Round And Round
I drew the blade across my wrist
To see how it would feel
Looked into the future
There was nothing to reveal
For we were just the product
Of the ever spinning wheel
Round and round we go
Round and and round we go.
Come and fetch me
When the screw has turned another turn
It's not that I'm confused
I've just an awful lot to learn
But I will be the one
To make you pay for what you earn
Round and round we go
Round and and round we go.
After all it's just
The revolution I despise
The dawn of revelations
And the flower power prize
And I pity those poor children
With no sunshine in their eyes
Round and round we go
Round and and round we go

The Writing On The Wall
Old School Songs
The cracks in the wall beside the bed
Open up
I never find myself
Emptying into another world
The pictures on the wall reflect me
And yet somehow I reflect myself
In the cracks in the wall
Ever sure yet ever insecure.
I wrote your name in pencil on the wall once
To remind me of you constantly
Yet when I moved your name did not move with me
Only a vision of what you once were
Your name remained upon the wall
So the next one who came might wonder
What manner of person you were.

The Four Queens
Old School Songs
The Queen of hearts came bearing frankincense
The Queen of clubs, a flask of myrrh
The diamond Queen brought back a purse of gold
That I had wanted from her.
The pack lay crushed and broken in her hands
The silence slipping, sliding by
The Queen of spades was all that I deserved
And I sat back and and wondered why
And I sat back and and wondered why.

Ghosts Theme
Old School Songs

Lemon Pie
Old School Songs
The sharper is the berry
The sweeter is the wine
The longer we are parted
The sooner you are mine
You are mine.
Lovely lemon lady
You make me feel so shy
But lovely lemon lady
I love your lemon pie.
The stronger my deception
The lesser grow my lies
The shallower the whole truth
The deeper are my eyes
Are my eyes.
Bitter lemon lady smile
I'll see you in a little while
Lemon lady sweet and sour
You have me in your lemon power
My lemon pie.
The simpler the solution
The more that it will mean
The greater the resistance
The further I will lean
I will lean.

Cherie Je T'aime
Old School Songs
Not yet available

So Shall Our Love Die
Old School Songs
The rose buds are hard and firm;
Erect and proud they stand
On slender stems,
Wrapped in silk
And tied with a velvet ribbon.
"Tie the ribbon in my hair,"
She says,
"Your gentle touch upon my brow
Can make me close my eyes
In sleepy pleasure."
Low the candle burns
And flickers shadows on the wall;
It's crimson lips are closing
Round the flame.
As the flame dies
So shall our live die?
The roses stoop lower
As their petals fall.
So shall our love die?
"What is it,"
She says.
Say I,
"Nothing but the west wind,
The wind of change."

Still Small Voice
Old School Songs
I am the depth of age of the mountain
Yet still you believe to know how to be free
You are the life of the stars in the night sky
As constant much brighter yet younger than me
But I am the echo that calls you forever
The conscience that shows you the way to belong
And if you allow me I'll love you forever
And make you the voice of the words of my song

Absent Friend
Old School Songs
My ashtray's flowing over,
And the 'phone's left off the hook.
I've been staring for three hours
At the first page of a book.
Day and night I keep the curtains drawn,
And curse the very day that I was born,
And get to thinking,
How I need you,
I keep staring at my wristwatch,
Until it's ticking fills the room,
And the hollow sound reminds me
Of the silence of a tomb,
And as the ceiling and the walls close in,
And the furniture begins to spin,
I get to thinking,
How I need you,
And as the days go passing by,
And I never get a letter,
How I need you.
Days turn into weeks,
And it doesn't get much better,
How I need you.
The gaslit streets lean slowly
As I reel against the wall,
And my musty head is aching
As I stagger down the hall;
Then I fill the broken glass once more,
And fling the empty bottle to the floor,
And get to thinking,
How I need you ...

CD3: "Inside Out" (1976–1988)
The Merchant Adventurer
Old School Songs
The merchant adventurer's spirit was mine
The wanderlust urge that no home could confine
A passion that burns in the true Romany
The rush of the winds and the surge of the sea.
For seven long years I had travelled alone
The mast was my power, my foundation stone
......................endlessly aquamarine
The queen of temptations invaded the scene.
We burned in the sunset, made tracks in the snow
we sailed over mountains, swam oceans below
At last in possesion of infinite sights
I entered the valley of earthly delights.
The merchant adventurer's trust was betrayed
The lady could not keep the promises made
In nine months she bore me the devil's own son
The price was my soul and the trial was begun.

Blue Angel
Old School Songs
The gypsy girl stood quite alone
Her eyes were brightly shining
Her head was in the clouds
Where she had found the silver lining
And all the while the crippled boy
Was dancing with his lady fair
While I stood on the sidelines
Trying to make out that I wasn't there.
So loud the music grew and grew
With ever greater pain
I stepped back in the shadows
For I could not stand the strain
I tried to look, my eyes were blind
I tried to speak but could not find
The words to say.
They left me lying where I lay
I could not bear the light of day.
Treat me kindly dear blue angel
Deepest colour of the night
Be merciful, be gentle
For I have no strength to fight.
Half Worlds Apart
So I lay in half world dream state
Pressed like a flower in the pages of a half book
Words in softly spoken whispers
Steal through the silence of the blue veiled half light
The best of questions have no answers
The best of answers need no questions
Born on the quest for a wave of half peace
Acquired in a Dresden china cuplet
Bound in the chains of the half book binding
Half way to my half life.
Treat me kindly dear blue angel
Deepest colour of the night
Be merciful, be gentle
For I have no strength to fight.
So she lay in half museum
Pinned like a butterfly which failed to reach its half life
Tender moments left half spoken
Lost like an orphan in the pleasures of the dream state
A man of honour has no secrets
How can I be a man of secrets
Trapped in the web of the woven blue veil
Peering to find the angel weaver
Most sacred saviour of the silver lining
Half way to my half life.
Treat me kindly dear blue angel
Deepest colour of the night
Be merciful, be gentle
For I have no strength to fight.
At Rest
Sleep the sleep of peace my love
And I will let you be
I alone can comfort
I alone can set you free
I will be your healer
And give you back your pride
In times of need remember me
At rest here by your side.
When the hour of darkness comes
And time itself stands still
When voices from the future
Seem to come and go at will
I will be your servant
Your ever constant guide
When all is lost remember me
At rest here by your side.
The wisdom of the fool is such
That he alone is sane
So delicate the balance
That e'er the moon could wax and wane
I will be your teacher
And show you where to hide
When all else fails remember me
At rest here by your side.
Treat me kindly dear blue angel
Deepest colour of the night
Be merciful, be gentle
For I have no strength to fight.

Goodbye (Is Not An Easy Word To Say)
Old School Songs
It's not an easy word to say
Sometimes life turns out that way.
It's time to make another start
You never mend a broken heart.
I cried
I lied
I looked the other way
I tried to make you see that we were through
There was nothing else to do.

Deadly Nightshade
Old School Songs
The silent prophet
Seeks his inspiration after midnight
With a candle lit for comfort
In the shadow of the shade.
Waves a parasol beneath the window
So enchanting and inviting
In the scheme that she has laid.
The lonely prophet
Waves to Belladonna from the window
In the hope that she will notice
And may wish to know his name.
But cruel Belladonna
Turns to face the waiting sunrise
With its promise of excitement
Thinking little of the game.
Shine your lantern brightly
Do not heed the darkness lightly
We must always talk politely
In the presence of the night
Deadly nightshade
Hear me calling
Shadows of the evening
Falling down.
The quiet prophet
Gathers up his papers for the fire
He alone will read the message
In the words that he has burned.
Belladonna tries the door
To find the room is empty
And she coldly rakes the ashes
For the love that she has spurned.

Old School Songs
Not yet available

Sweet Voices
SGO Music/Old School Songs
I see myself reborn
In every generation
I look to children
For my source and my salvation
And I will build my house of rock
From their foundation stone.
I can hear sweet voices singing
Children in the choir, bells ringing
I can hear sweet voices singing
Nobody seems to notice me
Once I was blinded
By the light of my reflection
The mirror's eyes were moist
With genuine affection
I could not see my way
To make the last connection home.
The leaves of my life
Have been falling
And time rolls along
Like a wheel
The innocent games
That we played once for fun
Are for real.

Bring Out Your Dead
Old School Songs
Bring out your dead
The captain said
With no sense of remorse
The battle is not over
We must make a show of force
The silver band marched slowly by
As the moon began to rise
I could not hear their music
But I could read it in their eyes.
My friend, the young pretender
Simply did not understand
Bring out your dead
The captain said
Or you will join the band.
Bring out your dead
The captain said
We fight again at noon
For those who are courageous
It can never come too soon
The ship of fools was sailing
On the early morning tide
The bandsmen played the anthem
As the boat came alongside.
My friend, the young pretender
Had forgotten to take note
Bring out your dead
The captain said
Or you will miss the boat.
Bring out your dead
The captain said
The band is leaving town
The ship will sail without you
And the only way is down
The carnival procession
Took its third trip round the town
The bandsmen raised their trumpets
And the walls came tumbling down.
My friend, the young pretender
Took a candle to the night
Bring out your dead
The captain said
It's time to see the light.
Bring out your dead
The captain said
The victory is near
The battle is all over
And the way ahead marked clear
The windy streets were empty
And the damage cleared away
The townsfolk were preparing
To rebuild the wall next day
My friend, the young pretender
Found the band was lost at sea
Bring out your dead
The captain said
It's time to follow me.

Another Day Without You
Old School Songs
We were young
Our hopes were high
Our sights were set
On the terra nova
Now it's over
I can't bear to spend
Another day without you.
We set sail
On a changing tide
When the glass was down
And the moon was mellow
Lucky fellow
I can't bear to spend
Another day without you.
We were drifting as the days turned into night
The sky sent up a signal in the fiery Northern light
I can't bear to spend another day without you.
I was broken and I doubted I would last
The clouds had gathered quickly now the final die was cast
I can't bear to spend another day without you.
The storm came up
As the sun went down
I was all at sea
On the raging ocean
Such devotion
I can't bear to spend
Another day without you.

Touch The Earth
SGO Music/Perfect Songs
In and out of alleyways
Looking for a strange place
No-one in the neighbourhood
Sees the wild goosechase
For my sake
Eat a piece of cheesecake
God was in America
Long before the white man
Touch the earth
Feel the power to live forever
Touch the earth
Reach the sky
Let the eagle fly away
Screaming on the telephone
Chewing on a hambone
Waiting for a miracle
Could you recognise one?
Harden up the arteries
Keep a count of calories
Put it on the credit card
Skin another buffalo
Touch the earth
Feel the power to live forever
Touch the earth
Reach the sky
Let the eagle fly away
Read it in a paperback
Sitting in a Cadillac
Waiting for the cavalry
Smoke another peace pipe
Touch the earth
Feel the power to live forever
Touch the earth
Reach the sky
Let the eagle fly away

Juan Martin Music

A Glimpse Of Heaven
Old School Songs
The hillside was a patchwork quilt
Neatly stitched with tidy hedge
And crumbling grey stone wall
The trees were bare, but Spring was near
To conjure up its endless strings
Of green magic handkerchieves
Could you only see what I've seen
You would surely know what I mean
I think I must have caught a glimpse of heaven.
A string of diamonds formed a stream
That tumbled down the daunting cliff
To sparkle bright on the beach.
New born lambs that sweetly played
Speckled eggs all newly laid
But for you I would have stayed
I think I must have caught a glimpse of heaven.

The Hangman And The Papist
Old School Songs
The village square stands quiet with the curfew still in force
The streets are even clear of dogs and whores
Like some evil bird of prey the scaffold spreads its wings
The people build their fires and bolt their doors
The mayor is giving dinner to the officers and wives
His eldest son is learning how to fawn
The barrack block is hushed and tense, the soldiers drawing lots
Who will be the hangman in the dawn.
The lot falls on a young man who has served for but a year
His home is in the village close nearby
He shivers at the thought of what he's forced to do next day
He wonders who it is that has to die
The full moon casts a cold light on the gloomy prison walls
The papist walk his cell, he cannot sleep
He hears the waiting gallows creaking just beyond the door
He prays for he has no more tears to weep.
The day begins to break, the muffled drums begin to sound
A crowd begins to gather in the square
The presence of the hangman in his terrifying mask
Weighs heavy on the minds of all those there
The colonel reads the sentence which the papist knows by heart
He has failed to show allegiance to the King
His crime is thus with God himself, in His name he must hang
The papist, head held high, says not a thing.
The jailer binds his hands and puts the blindfold to his eyes
He leads him through the door before the crowd
The hangman sees his victim and the blood drains from his face
He sees his younger brother standing proud
The hangman tries to protest but is ordered to proceed
His trembling hands begin to take the strain
His eyes are blind with streaming tears, he cries for all to hear
"Forgive me God, we hang him in they name".

I'll Carry On Beside You
Old School Songs
Short is the time
Though eternity long
Life is but part of the journey
While you've the faith to carry on
I'll carry on beside you.
Steep is the path
But your feet have wings
Sharing the weight of your burden
While you've the strength to carry on
I'll carry on beside you.
Dark is the night
Yet the road shines clear
Lit by the souls of believers
While you can see to carry on
I'll carry on beside you.
Deep is the grave
May you rest in peace
Preparing yourself for the next time
While you still need to carry on
I'll carry on beside you.

Heavy Disguise
Fazz Music
Crowded afternoon and there's not enough room in the city today
The people assembled to hear what resembled evangelists say
Some came just to see them for a laugh
Others to be free
Fools must pretend to be wise
We've a faith that we use as a heavy disguise.
Tears from the crowd with men crying aloud or just ringing their hands
The love in their hearts at this joining of people from far away lands
I'd so many questions I could ask
I wanted to be free
Fools must pretend to be wise
We've a faith that we use as a heavy disguise.
Cheers from the crowd for a much-loved constituent lately arrived
Here's to the soul of the man who takes toll for just staying alive
Can't ignore the feeling in the air
Glad that I was there
Fools must pretend to be wise
We've a faith that we use as a heavy disguise.
Evening drew on with a change of opinion from left wing and right
And North accused South who were left little doubt that they needed to fight
I cannot begin to understand
The suffering tonight
Fools must pretend to be wise
We've a faith that we use as a heavy disguise.

That's When The Crying Starts
Old School Songs
Such a strange affair, here today and gone tomorrow
What a way to go, such a crazy note of sorrow
Some guy will make a fortune with a remedy for broken hearts
Don't say goodbye, that's when the crying starts.
What a bitter blow, such a cruel hearted letter
I don't understand, is he really that much better
I'll make it on my own but it's not easy when the guideline parts
Don't say goodbye, that's when the crying starts.
Started out my best friend
But you ended up a traitor
Don't pack your bags
I'll send your things on later
Don't say goodbye, that's when the crying starts.
You were clever, there was never any reason I should doubt you
I just booked a trip on a one way cruise without you
I'll find my self an island
I'll hunt for buried treasure
I'll let you go the half share
It'll really be a pleasure
Just don't say goodbye, that's when the crying starts
Don't say goodbye, that's when the crying starts
Don't say goodbye, that's when the crying starts.

Old School Songs
Long gone the days, of which dreams were made
Naive in the glow of evergreen
Innocent days, of fresh airs and graces
The bruising of hearts, the losing of races.
Innocent days, remember them well
The devil may care of evergreen
We measured success in the stains on the back seat
Our tongues in your mouths, our hands on your heartbeat.
Sweet evergreen
You are all the love
There's ever been
You are all to me
And more sweet evergreen.
Swift is the breeze that blows through the trees
Caressing the leaves of evergreen
We married too young, young lambs to the slaughter
We weep in the arms of our favourite daughter.
Sweet evergreen
You are all the love
There's ever been
You are all to me
And more sweet evergreen.
I remember all the love
And so much more
It was all we had to share
And we felt forever sure
Ever sure.
Here in the windchill years of our lives
We dwell in the shade of evergreen
Stirring the last of the slow burning embers
Counting our way through a year of Decembers.
Sweet evergreen
You are all the love
There's ever been
You are all to me
And more sweet evergreen
Sweet evergreen
You are all the love
There's ever been
You are all to me
And more sweet evergreen.

Song Of A Sad Little Girl
Old School Songs
She looks so frail beside you
As she wears her sick disguise
You say she'll soon be better
As you dry her tearful eyes
You tell her fairy stories
She tries to understand
She looks to you for comfort
And holds out her little hand.
But early in the morning
When the sun shines
Into her tiny room
She wakes up like a bird
And she's fine again.
You gently kiss her forehead
And from the room you creep
But you linger in the doorway
As she whimpers in her sleep
Her cheeks are flushed like sunset
And her head's an open fire
All night she turns and tosses
As her temperature gets higher.
But early in the morning
When the sun shines
Into her tiny room
She wakes up like a bird
And she's fine again.
The nightlight in the corner
Casts a soft and peaceful glow
Her face becomes much cooler
And her breathing much more slow
She dreams of clowns and princes
Sailing boats and trains
The fairies come by moonlight
To take away her pain.
But early in the morning
When the sun shines
Into her tiny room
She wakes up like a bird
And she's fine again.
She wakes up
Like a bird
And she feels fine.

CD4: "Further Down The Road" (1990–2006)
Ringing Down The Years
Old School Songs
We met when you were still a girl
In nineteen sixty eight
You wore a white dress and a hat
I touched the hand of fate
Your sweet voice took my breath away
Your smile lit up your face
You still had both feet on the ground
I was out in space
That certain sadness in your eyes
The secret of your smile
I've carried all these memories
Down many's the weary mile
And every time I hear your name
My eyes moist up with tears
As every word you ever sang
Comes ringing down the years.
We sat and talked the whole night long
Of all our rights and wrongs
Of mutual acquaintances
We sang each other's song
You were with me when the morning broke
The birds refused to sing
They knew when they were beaten
They hid beneath their wings.
I was in a Cleveland hotel room
When they telephoned the news
I drowned my sorrow all night long
The Southern Comfort blues
The show went on to great applause
Choking back the tears
As every word you ever sang
Came ringing down the years.
I reached out for the hourglass
To turn it face about
But who knows where the time goes
When your time is running out
I know someday we'll meet again
And I know just what I'll find
You'll have taught the angels how to sing
Georgia - Georgia on my mind.

Further Down The Road
Old School Songs
Strike the fiddle, start the hoedown
Rid me of my heavy load
I can see the bright lights shining
A little way further down the road
Visions of my old ambition
Melting as the world explodes
Memories of ancient wonders
A little way further down the road
All the pain of making progress
Vanish when the West winds blows
I can see the new world shining
A little further down the road
I have rid myself of strangers
Buried in the overload
I will stand alone in judgement
A little way further down the road
I will stand alone in judgement
A little way further down the road

Heartbreak Hill
Old School Songs/Perfect Music
I was taken prisoner and carried down
To a dungeon cold and bleak
Where my trial was a foregone conclusion
At which I might never speak
While the innocent live with freedom of speech
And the confidence of their wives
So the guilty remain on Heartbreak Hill
In the chains of their humdrum lives.
The sun beat a trail in the summer sky
It mounted me with desire
It consumed me with ease and then left me to burn
In the wake of its hungry fire
I was torn limb from limb by its passionate kiss
I was left in a cold deep sweat
Now I shiver alone on Heartbreak Hill
With a memory to forget.
It was spring when I woke from a long deep sleep
Inspired with a second chance
And I join with the newborn leaves in the trees
Spinning in the dance
As I rubbed the sleep from my deep-rimmed eyes
I was gratified by the sight
Now I see myself on Heartbreak Hill
In a totally different light.
If I've broken my back on the treadmill once
I've broken my heart on it twice
I'm not going back on Heartbreak Hill
At any price.
A man must do what a man must do
A woman must do what she must
But neither can really be satisfied
Without that mutual trust
In the eyes of a child, there's a simple truth
One can either be right or wrong
But if you ask those on Heartbreak Hill
They will sing you a different song.
If I've broken my back on the treadmill once
I've broken my heart on it twice
I'm not going back on Heartbreak Hill
At any price
At any price
At any price.

Extravaganza On A Theme Of Strawbs
Old School Songs

Files Of Facts
Old School Songs

Hero And Heroine
Old School Songs
Hero's face was gaunt and tanned
His sail was set in search of land
His life-raft, solely by him manned
Was guided by the tide
Heroine wore fleecy white
She beckoned like some saviour bright
Shipwrecked sailors in the night
Were bid welcome to her side.
Where one man's search must surely cease
The irresistible white fleece
Led Hero in search of the peace
That she alone could offer
Thus he knelt before her feet
Wary lest their eyes should meet
He knew his life was incomplete
For he had yet to suffer.
Enticing Heroine, so calm
Took Hero firmly by the arm
Told him that she meant no harm
That she alone could save him
Hero could no longer speak
While realising he was weak
His life increasingly grew bleak
For all the love she gave to him.
While storm clouds gathered high above
The heroine he grew to love
Turned slowly to a snow white dove
And spread her wings to fly
Crushed and broken in the end
Hero watched his soul ascend
Knowing that he was condemned
To sail all alone to die.

The Ten Commandments
SGO Music
There's a new religion
And it's hot off the shelf
Swear the congregation
Had to worship themselves
There's no fire and brimstone
But there's an inglenook
Where you can take communion
From a TV cook
There are ten commandments
And you can please yourself
If you keep or break them
You're still condemned to hell
If you've a dollar in the bank
Then that'll see you through
But if your neighbours got a dollar
Well then you'd better get two
We can't negotiate a contract
A practise that suits our name
You'll get no justice in that sense
'Cause nobodies ever to blame
There's a high priestess
She knows the spice of life
She's only skin and bone
But she's a football wife
They take the altar to the terrace
So we can name our saints
You're given fifteen minutes,
With karaoke brain
You'd better choose your friend
Very carefully
If they can help you network
Well they're no use to me
Take what you want
Not what you need
You used to have that problem
Now they're a dying breed

The King
Old School Songs
The soft blush of evening
Returns to the folded hills
The sky rains magenta
In praise of the shepherd's skills
The lion lies down beside the lamb
At peace in the holy ground.
The King is returning
And those that were lost are found.
The old moon is resting
She sleeps in the new moon's arms
The love of a mother
Eclipsed by her daughter's charms
The robin bares his wounded breast
And sings with a joyful sound.
The glory of Heaven
Explodes in the rising sun
The long wait is over
The new reign just begun
The ransom of the holly bush
Was paid when the King was crowned.
A symphony of harmonies
In one triumphant sound.

Hummingbird (Instrumental)
Old School Songs/SGO: RW Music Ltd

Alice's Song
SGO Music
If I could live in Alice's world
I wonder if I'd learn
What makes her strong
What makes her safe
What makes her suddenly afraid
I'd understand this little girl
But I'll never live in Alice's world
If I could see through Alice's eyes
I wonder what I'd see
Is her sky blue, is her grass green
Does she see things I've never seen
What's in her mind she keeps inside
I'll never see through Alice's eyes
If could love through Alice's heart
I wonder who I'd trust
So silently she smiles at me
But answers she will not reveal
She never tells why it's so hard
To win a place in Alice's heart

Maclean Street/Who Knows Where The Time Goes
Old School Songs/SGO Music: Fairwood Music
Across the purple sky all the birds are leaving
How can they know it's time for them to go
Before the winter fire we'll still be dreaming
I have no thought of time.
But who knows where the time goes
Who knows where the time goes.
Sad deserted shore, your fickle friends are leaving
Ah but then you know, it's time for them to go
But I will still be here, I have no thought of leaving
I do not count the time.
But who knows where the time goes
Who knows where the time goes.
And I'm not alone, while my love is near me
I know it will be so until it's time to go
So come the storms of winter, and then the birds in spring again
I do not fear the time.
But who knows how my love grows
Who knows where the time goes.

We'll Meet Again Sometime
Old School Songs
I only have my memories to last me the remainder of my days
For time has now decided that we must go our individual ways
The warmth I feel inside can more than overcome my loss
But this is me today and tomorrow I must count the cost.
We'll meet again sometime
Though the road is steep and very hard to climb.
The pleasures of a lifetime condensed into a fleeting glimpse of truth
A moment of delight as when a child receives a sixpence for a tooth
The simple things in life mean more to me than money ever buys
The greatest thing for me to see my love reflected in your eyes.
We'll meet again sometime
Though the road is steep and very hard to climb.
We'll meet again sometime
Though the way is never clear
My sacrifice is made
Everything that I hold dear
We'll meet again sometime
Though the road is steep and very hard to climb.
Oh lover of a lifetime let me look upon your loveliness alone
Oh but I cannot gaze too long for I fear that it will turn me into stone
A monument to life to stand forever by your grave
Inscribed for all to see, a message of respect, "Be brave".
For we'll meet again sometime
Though the road is steep and very hard to climb.

Sunday Morning
Old School Songs/SGO Music
The stars begin to fade
The early morning mist is lifting
As he wakes with the silence still unbroken
The night has rolled away
The dawn is creeping through the window
As he rubs the shadows from his eyes
The sun begins to rise
To warm the room where he was sleeping
As he reads through the headlines of the papers
The dew is fading fast
As he is walking through the long grass
With church bell sounding in the tower
He waits inside the door
The clock strikes out the hour
He smiles pausing for a word as they arrive.
Farmers with their wives
Children with their flowers
Ladies in their bright mid-summer clothes
The stained glass windows shine
The congregation kneels in silence
Then the organ and choir
Join the birds in the trees
As they sing their Sunday morning song

On A Night Like This
Old School Songs
Well, it was on a night like this
We made a vow
We knew could never miss
You and me
Meant to be
So free
On a night like this
Well, it was on a night like this
The stars looked down
It was a night of bliss
In a world
Of our own
So alone
On a night like this
And if ever I get to thinking back
On the good times we have had
I think of the days before I met you
And end up feeling sad
Well, it was on a night like this
We sealed our fate
With just a single kiss
In a world
Of extremes
Simple dreams
On a night like this

Old School Songs
The dragonfly appeared
The North wind brought it by
As summer slipped away
And autumn was approaching
It flew through silver trees
That stood beside the lake
I looked into its eyes
To find that it was smiling.
The dragonfly was mine
As slender as a wand
It cast a spell as it clung
To leaves that soon were falling
Its camouflage grew faint
As my mind grew darker still
I scarcely dared to breathe
It was frail and I might harm it.
Its touch was as soft as the thistledown
That is borne on the evening breeze
Its kiss was as warm as the summer rain
That whispers and sighs through the trees
And now the warmth of the pale winter sun
Has melted the heart of the snow
I lie awake throughout the night
And wait for the North wind to blow.

Old School Songs
Far distant highways covered in snow
Wilderness highways where wicked winds blow
Prairies reach out to the end of the earth
The seaway and lakes sing the song of their birth.
Canada, oh Canada
The journeys are endless but never too far
Canada, oh Canada
Toujours J'ai trouvé la force dans des bras
I have found strength in your arms.
The sun rises high over wild rugged shores
Fiddles sing sweet over long-settled scores
The fishing fleet rests by the Maritime Shelf
The Titanic rises, a ghost of itself.
Toronto the good brings a smile to your face
A meeting place fit for the whole human race
french bit............
another french bit....
Victoria reigns in a haven of peace
I rest my head easy before my release
The sea to the sky meets the high lonesome pass
The brazen sun sets on the city of glass.

Here Today Gone Tomorrow
Old School Songs
Puddly pools, oily traces
Storm clouds scudding past the moon
Rusty hinges broken windows
All is broken, all too soon
Here today, gone tomorrow
Shadows in the setting sun
Here today, gone tomorrow
Darkness when the day is done
Broken china doll stares blind
Painted porcelain figurine
Loved to death by those who loved her
Prettiest face you've ever seen
Down the hill houses tumble
Overlapping cheek by jowl
Strike a match, frozen fingers
Restless dog begins to growl

CD5: "Tastebuds" (bonus disc)
The Happiest Boy In Town
Essex Music
He's the happiest boy in town
That's what his teacher says
Always willing to lend a hand
Always greets you with a happy smile
At nine o' clock in the morning.
They all know Peter Jones
He lives at number five
With his mother, sister and Auntie Maud
And brother George, when he's not abroad
On business in the Balkans.
He knows the verger well
Through singing in the choir
And serving teas at the garden fete
In aid of the church and the Welfare State
On the weekend after Whitsun.
He starts his paper round at six
Never mind the weather
He doesn't mind it raining hard
It doesn't last forever
Hello Mrs Lubienski
How's your arthritis
I bet it gets you when it's raining
Just like Uncle Titus.
He joined the Boys Brigade
About the age of twelve
Took the lead in the bugle band
'Til he came by a saxophone second hand
And got his marching orders.
Superintendent Brown
Who works at Scotland Yard
Wants him to be a police cadet
Peter says that he's not sure yet
He'd rather join the Army.
His mother's very proud
And Auntie Maud as well
It seems he's leaving school next year
His mother's found him a fine career
As an undertaker's junior.

Draught Raga
Fazz Music

Ways And Means
Old School Songs
I'm as the world forever spinning
Rekindled by the early rising sun
I'm as the road that's ever winding
A never ending journey just begun.
And the wheel turns in my heart and in my soul
The fire burns ever in my head
While others come with lanterns
That will last throughout the night
To follow in the ways where we have led.
She's as the river ever flowing
As constant as the Greenwich clock at noon
She's as the sea that's ever rolling
A high spring tide that rises with the moon.
And today is much the same
As any other day has been
And I think about tomorrow
And while there's not much that I need
To take me further on
There are still things that I borrow.
They are as the wheel forever turning
The heart that gives an athlete strength to win
They are as the fire that's ever burning
The flame that lights the lamp of life within.

The Rip It Off Blues
Old School Songs
Not yet available

Stay Awhile With Me
Old School Songs
It seems that loving is a game that I can't win
No sooner are you here than gone again
Is there nothing I can say
To change your mind and stay
Alone with you is all I long to be
Will you stay awhile with me.
I've often gazed into my crystal ball
To find out if you think of me at all
But there's no reason why
You should even try
For there's nothing I can give as you can see
If you stay awhile with me.
Stay awhile with me
And I will show you I'm true
Stay awhile with me
That's all I'm asking you to do.
I see you in the street lamp's rusty gleam
It casts a magic spell as in a dream
The night is growing old
Come in from the cold
I'll lock the door and throw away the key
If you stay awhile with me.

Oh So Sleepy
Old School Songs
I leave you with your head buried in the pillow
Oh so sleepy, oh so sleepy
As twisted as a knot, as tangled as a wire
Burning like a coal on the open fire
Oh so sleepy, oh so sleepy.
I talk to you in riddles of the drunken sailor
Oh so sleepy, oh so sleepy
As pretty as a rose, as bitter as a thorn
A smear of virgin blood on the broken dawn
Oh so sleepy, oh so sleepy.
Now did you hear the wind, did you ride the carousel
Did you find the seaman's mission, only time can really tell
Or do you see your future in the wishing well
Oh so sleepy, oh so sleepy.
I brush you with a kiss as the moonlight murmurs
Oh so sleepy, oh so sleepy
As simple as defeat, as certain as a toy
Crying like a girl with the future of a boy
Oh so sleepy, oh so sleepy.

Barcarole (Instrumental)
Old School Songs

Time And Life
Old School Songs
Time is the power
The enemy hour
The soul survivor of the news
The headlines.
Life is a friend
I value its end
For I can take it when I choose
The deadlines.
Time and life
Will meet at dawn
The swords have been drawn
For the takers.
Time has no heart
It wins from the start
Was I so foolish
As to try to ignore it.
Life is complete
And proud in defeat
At last I understand
Why I adore it.
Time and life
Fight to the end
But life has to bend
To her makers.

Chappell Music
Not yet available

Andalucian Express
Juan Martin Music

Lay Down
Old School Songs
By still waters I lay down with the lambs
In pastures green I made peace with my soul
And I cared not for the night
While my guiding star shone bright
By still waters I lay down
I lay down.
Lay down, I lay me down
Lay down, I lay me down
Lay down, I lay me down
For my soul.
At the roadside I took toll of my times
In dirty streets I found peace for my soul
May the merciful be right
Are you ready for the night
At the roadside I lay down
I lay down.
Lay down, I lay me down
Lay down, I lay me down
Lay down, I lay me down
For my soul.
In deep sorrow I took flight with the sun
From mountains high I gained strength for my soul
I proved stronger than the test
When my spirit came to rest
In deep sorrow I lay down
I lay down.
Lay down, I lay me down
Lay down, I lay me down
Lay down, I lay me down
For my soul.

Over The Hill
Copyright Control

You Never Needed Water
Old School Songs
You said you were a virgin when I took you in the park
You didn't need a light to help you make it in the dark
You took the highest bidder who could satisfy your needs
You wrapped yourself around him and you squeezed him till he bleeds
You never needed wings until I taught you how to fly
You never needed water till your well ran dry.
You always set your target on the highest social scene
You never gave your number till you knew where he had been
You used to shop at Harrods, bought the smartest clothes
You wore them inside out so that the maker's label showed
You never needed money till I taught you what to buy
You never needed water till your well ran dry.
You're just about as subtle as a razor with your teeth
You got your greatest pleasure with your lover underneath
You sparkled like a diamond with a smile that you could trust
You would find yourself a sucker and you'd grind him into dust
You never started smoking till I taught you to get high
You never needed water till your well ran dry.
Water water everywhere, but not a drop to drink
Take a look into the mirror baby, it's later than you think
You're the ultimate expression of Picasso's favourite brush
The wall in his apartment he painted in a rush
You never shed a tear until I taught you how to cry
You never needed water till your well ran dry.

Old School Songs
If I should live a thousand years
I would spend my whole life dying for you
If I should shed a thousand tears
I would spend my whole life crying for you
As certain as eternity
It's written in the stars
It reaches through the universe
From Jupiter to Mars
It stretches to infinity
Beyond the edge of space
Where time itself is measured
In the smile upon your face
If I should live a thousand years
I would spend my whole life loving you
If I should pick a thousand flowers
I would touch each petal for a trace of you
For every thousand April showers
I would chase the rainbow for a place with you
If I should bless a thousand brides
I would never find a-one as sweet as you
For every thousand high spring tides
There could never be one to compete with you

Cold Steel
SGO Music
Lonely, have you ever felt lonely
Like you're floating on a deep sea
And the world is somewhere else?
And when you're trying to disguise it
It only makes it deepen
Trying to pretend will only weigh you down
Cold steel
Cold, cold steel
Searching, is this why everybody's searching
Looking to the sky
To try to touch a star
And when they get it in their hand
They never want to lose it
They get a monkey on their back and a pocketful of sand
Good times, I heard about the good times
I read it in a book
It sounded alright
But then I thought I saw a stranger
So I had to give chase.
She stabbed me in the back with a smile across her face

The River/Down By The Sea
Old School Songs
The River
I made a sideways motion
Turning a new leaf
The single minded miner's girl
Was there to share my grief
I shivered in the butter wind
Three times the cockerel crowed
I waited for the river
But the river did not flow.
An autumn turned to silver
Winter turned to gold
The weatherman said dress up
Oh but I did not feel the cold
Kids waited with toboggans
As I sheltered from the snow
I waited for the river
But the river did not flow.
I will drink the milk from you breasts
Meld myself to you
Collect the valley lilies
The worshippers once strew
My body aches with hunger
Yet your belly has to grow
I waited for the river
But the river did not flow.
Down By The Sea
Maybe you think, a lot like me
Of those who live beside the sea
Who feel so free, so I surmise
With their comfortable homes, and wives
Who end up drinking tea together
In the afternoon of their lives.
They build their homes upon the seashore
The quicksand castles of their dreams
Yet take no notice of the North wind
Which tears their building at the seams.
In their dismay and blind confusion
The weeping widows clutch their shawls
While as the sea mist ever deepens
The sailors hear the sirens' calls.
And in the maelstrom sea which follows
The lifeboat sinks without a trace
And yet there still remain survivors
To bear the shame of their disgrace.
Last night I lay in bed
And held myself
Trying to remember
How it once was with you
How your hands were softer.
Yesterday I found myself
Staring into space
Rather like the sailor
In my own home surroundings
I'm not sure I know me.
If you were me what would you do
Don't tell me I don't need you to
It won't help me now.