Sent by Dick Greener, 26 Feb 2021
Hi all
Two things of note – new album, new look website!
* Settlement
* Strawbsweb 2021
Today is the release date of Strawbs new album, Settlement – people should be receiving pre-ordered copies soon. Some reviews on Strawbsweb – Jon Connolly and I have both done previews and I've listed few online reviews.
Please post your reviews on Facebook, but please send them as well to me at dick.greener@gmail.com for Strawbsweb.
NB The band have thouroughly embraced the power of social media to promote this album – lots of video material posted to Facebook – these are collected on a new videos page at:
Uploaded this week is the new redesign of Strawbsweb (well I had to have something to do in lockdown!). The last major redesign was in October 2006 and it was time for a change!
(NB. the "Live Reviews" and "Galleries" sections still need further reorganisation and are currently unavailable – I'll finish these off shortly.)
Main change is to replace the old static "logoberry" with a small placeholder logo, which when you click on it, brings in a bigger logoberry from the side, freeing up more screen space for users with narrow devices such as phones.
Two new typefaces Oswald and Open Sans, courtesy of Google Fonts, to replace the rather tired old Georgia font - I've increased the typesize too (none of us are getting any younger!) - hope you find the text and layout easier to read.
Standardised menus and links and quite a few reorganised sections so that content is more readily available
A new design for the main "banner" page, the "upcoming gigs" page and the "What's new on Strawbsweb" page
Generally speaking, all links to pages on Strawbsweb should be in red or where there's a list, in normal, underlined type (there are a few pages where this hasn't been finalised).
I've made some updating changes as I went along, but not necessarily logged them on the What's New On Strawbsweb page, but there are a few sections eg Links, History, which need further checking/updating.
I think I've caught all the pages - if I've missed any, you'll see the old logo, or possible an error message - let me know and I'll fix the errors. Do let me have comments by e-mailing me at dick.greener@gmail.com
STRAWBSWEB- www.strawbsweb.co.uk
"You'll scarcely believe all the pleasures inside..."