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UK vinyl
Europe vinyl
Asia Pacific vinyl

UK release
Vinyl album: SPART 1036 (Arista UK, 1978). Gatefold sleeve. Outer face is wraparound, designed by noted studio Hypgnosis, of man drowning in water filled phone booth with sunset in the background. Inner spread showed hard-bitten newspaper editor (he must be, he has an eyeshade and metal doodads on his shirt sleeves) on the phone. Both are puns on "deadlines". Lyrics printed on inner spread.
Outer sleeve

Inner sleeve


US releases
Vinyl album: AB 4172 (Arista, 1978, US). Album is single sleeve, with the inner gatefold images and lyrics moved to a printed inner sleeve. Back cover has track listing, unlike UK version, and US details along the bottom. There were two variants of this release, same cover, different labels.
Variant 1 - back cover detail and labels

Variant 2 - labels

Variant 3 - labels

US test pressing
(*) Vinyl album: AB 4172 (Arista, 1978, US). Spotted online.

US promo release
Vinyl album: AB 4172 (Arista, 1978, US). White label promo release.

Canadian release
Vinyl album: AB 4172 (Arista, 1978, Canada). Single sleeve, similar to outer cover of UK issue, but with track listing on back cover, and a Canadian catalogue number on the front at bottom right. Instead of the inner cover there's a 2-sided inner sleeve with the lyrics and credits, very similar to UK inner sleeve.
Back cover

Inner sleeve


Canadian promo release
(*) Vinyl album: AB 4172 (Arista, 1978, Canada).

Irish release
Vinyl album: SPART 1036 (Arista, 1978, Ireland) . The cover is made in England, presumably a run-off of the UK cover. The disc itself was made in Ireland with different labels.

French release
Vinyl album: 2C 068-60.370 (Arista, 1978, France) . Gatefold cover, little to differentiate it from the UK release. Frehnch cat nop at top left of front and top right of back cover. "Fabrique et publie en France par Pathe Marconi EMI" at bottom right of back cover, Arista logo bottom left. Very very tiny note (in English) "Made in France" at bottom right of inner spread.

German release
Vinyl album: 1C 064-60 518 (EMI/Electrola, 1978, Germany). A gatefold cover, pretty much the same as UK release - the back cover has EMI Electrola details and catalog number at bottom left/top right respectively. Inner spread is exactly as per UK release, including English Arista addresses.

Dutch release
Vinyl album: 5N 058N-60518 (Arista, 1978, Netherlands). Sleeve is identical to UK version except for Dutch details top right of inner spread, bottom of back cover, and the Dutch catalogue number top right of back cover.

Spanish release/promo stickered
Vinyl album: 10C 062-060.518 (Arista, 1978, Spain). Single sleeve: adapted, not least by giving it a Spanish sub-title "Lineas Murtas" and setting out translations of the track titles on the rear of the sleeve. The copy I have has a promo sticker: "Muestra invendible, destinada a promocion", which I think sounds rather good ("destined for promotion ...". The track titles have been translated on the labels and back cover as well.
Sin regreso (No Return)
Joey And Me (not translated)
Seilado con el beso de un traidor (Sealed With A Traitor's Kiss)
No quiero habla de esto (I Don't Want To Talk About It)
El ultimo resorte (The Last Resort)
Tempo y vida (Time And Life)
Empezza de nuevo (New Beginnings)
Belladonna (Deadly Nightshade)
Palabras de sabiduria (Words Of Wisdom)


Australian release
Vinyl album: ARTY 1036 (Arista, 1978, Australia). Gatefold - pretty much identical to UK packaging, with EMI Australia details at top right of inner spread.

South African release)
Vinyl album:(*) Spotted online.

Brazilian release

UK cassette release
Cassette: TCART 1036 (TC-ART 1036 on cassette label) (Arista UK, 1978). Cover on front, track listing on inner flap, nothing much on reverse other than details of UK rights society for licensing. Track running order same as album.
NB the catalogue numbers differ as between cover and label (TCART on cover, TC-ART on label).
Cassette cover outer


UK 8-track release?
(*) Not at all certain there was one of these - I think the UK had fallen out of love with this clunky format by then. But there might have been ...

US blue cassette release
A blue cassette with onbody printing and and single sided cassette cover. Blue cassette case too!
Cassette cover outer


US white cassette release
A white cassette with onbody printing and and single sided cassette cover.
Cassette cover outer


US 8-track
8-track: AT8-4172 (Arista US, 1978). Running order as follows:
Front and back

Programme 1
Joey and Me
Sealed With a Traitor's Kiss
I Don't Want to Talk About It (Pt. 1)
Programme 2
I Don't Want to Talk About It (Pt. 2)
The Last Resort
Deadly Nightshade
Programme 3
New Beginnings
Words of Wisdom
Programme 4
No Return
Time and Life

Canadian cassette release


The Canadian cassette had a different running order:
Program 1
- Joey And Me
- Sealed With A Traitor's Kiss
- I Don't Want To Talk About It
- The Last Resort
- New Beginnings
Program 2
- Time And Life
- Deadly Nightshade
- Words Of Wisdom
- No Return

Canadian 8-track release
8-track: 8A-4172 (Arista Canada/Capitol, 1978). Comes in a Capitol Records standard black card box, with front window to see front of cartridge. Back has generic information. Running order as follows (different again):
Front of cartridge, back of case and head

Programme 1
No Return
The Last Resort
Programme 2
Time and Life
New Beginnings
I Don't Want to Talk About It (Pt. 1)
Programme 3
I Don't Want to Talk About It (Pt. 2)
Sealed With a Traitor's Kiss
Deadly Nightshade
Programme 4
Words of Wisdom
Joey and Me

German cassette release
(*) cass: 1C 264-60 518 (EMI Electrola, 1978). Listed on rear of German vinyl release.

Spanish cassette release
cass: 10C 262-060.518 (EMI Odeon SA 1978). Simple packaging, with track details (including track tirtle translations - see Spanish vinyl release above for these) on the inside.
Outer and inner cover

Australian cassette release
(*) cass: TC-ARTY 1036 (EMI (Australia), 1978). I have the paper but not the cassette itself. NB, the Australians think it's called "Deadline" - ooops!

One-Way Records CD release
CD: OW34499 (One Way Records, 1996). Insert features reproduction of back and front cover of US version of album. Inner spread of insert has track listing and personnel details, no, lyrics or photos.
Outer cover

Inner cover

CD and tray back

Witchwood Media CD release with bonus tracks
For extended editions, see Deadlines Witchwood Media release page.

Air Miles card sleeve CD release with bonus tracks
For extended editions, see Deadlines Witchwood Media release page.

Esoteric CD/DVD release box
For Esoteric CD/DVD box releaseDeadlines CD/DVD box page.